Characteristics of a good logo


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When examining several proposals for the design of a logo, you have to look for them to meet several conditions, of which there are three that are fundamental.

A logo is a set of symbols, shapes, colors and letters, which are associated with a brand and reflect its corporate identity.

The logo will be present in any interaction between the company or product and the customer, before the sale, during the sale, during the use of the product, and possibly at the beginning of the next cycle.

The logo can affect this process, making it easier or difficult. Hence the importance of paying close attention to the design of the image, so that it is attractive and professional, and can be easily identified and remembered.

When examining several proposals for the design of a logo, you have to look for them to meet several conditions, of which there are three that are fundamental. To work well, for a given company, a logo must be:

  • Memorable. The customer must be able to remember the logo after they have seen it, and they must be able to remember the company they represent. It helps that it has some detail that makes it special, that attracts attention.
  • Relevant. The logo must be able to represent your company, and be in some way specific to it. Although it is possible to have a completely abstract logo, it is much better if it expresses something important.
  • Unique. Your logo must be reasonably different from any other in your vicinity and market. The logo serves to identify you, not to confuse you.

The Golden Rule; Simplicity, the simpler (fewer shapes, fewer colors), the better. A simple logo is easier to remember, cheaper to print, easier to combine.

Once it has been verified that the logo meets the three fundamental conditions, it can be refined a little more. Other additional features of a logo should be:

  1. Original. While there are fashions that tilt the designs in certain ways, it is advisable to be a little more creative and have a completely different logo from the style of other brands, as it will not help you differentiate yourself from the competition. An original logo design will contribute to giving the company a new and attractive commercial image.
  2. Practical. The logo will surely have to be reproduced in a multitude of materials (paper, fabric, plastic, glass, etc.) It must allow enlargement and reduction, and representation in gray and black and white, preserving its legibility and without losing details.
  3. Consistent. A good logo design should be consistent with the rest of the company’s image. Maintaining a uniform color palette and specific aesthetic will contribute to the success of your applications.
  4. Adapted to the audience. The logo must be adapted to the target audience in terms of aesthetics, content, colors, etc. Each consumer profile (child, adolescent or adult, for example) will require special treatment and visual content adapted to their consumption preferences.
  5. Professional. A professional graphic design conveys a sense of solidity and solvency that extends to the company represented by the logo.
  6. Lasting. It is interesting to note that the logo does not quickly go out of style. The design can be modern without being too “fashionable” and thus avoid having to redesign it too soon.

You can search for company logos on google and you will see many of the most recognized brands have these characteristics.

While designing a logo is something that should be done in the best possible way, there are all kinds of views about it. They are from those who opt for websites where they can make a logo for free, hire freelance designers, agencies or even the neighbor’s son who knows how to make web pages.

The important thing before hiring a designer or using any of the alternatives you decide to explore, is to see their portfolio of elaborate logos. In this way you can evaluate how skilled the designer is and how professional the result you are going to get is.

Rest assured that a free logo can help you to get out of the way, if in the end you do not care about the image of your brand or company or the results.

Hire a graphic design for more professional results and if you want your business to have a logo that really reflects the corporate identity of your brand or company.

5 of the Best Company Logos

To better understand the above I would like to leave you some examples of logos of well-known companies that comply with what has already been mentioned.

Logotipo de NIKE

Nike logo

It is perhaps the best example of all time. It looks good in any color. Simple and memorable, to the point that in 1995 the company chose to eliminate the letters from the original design.

FedEx logo

If you look closely at the space between the E and X of the logo, you can see a small arrow hidden in between, intended to symbolize FedEx’s speed and accuracy.

Amazon logo

The arrow on amazon, apart from symbolizing a smile, starts at the letter “a” and ends at the letter “z”, indicating that they sell everything from “a” to “z”.


The pink focuses directly on the female audience and its silhouettes point to the writing of a girl. The brand sells three dolls per second.


The inspiration behind the logo was the apple that served Isaac Newton as a study of gravity. The most colorful version of the Apple logo lasted almost 20 years, until 1998. From then on, versions in a single tone, more or less neutral, and with more or less textures, but always preserving the original Apple apple that is already an icon around the world.

If you have any questions or queries about it you can leave us your comments.

Por: Santos R. Guerra F.

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